Medina County Courthouse

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Judge Kimbler Probation Violations for April 15, 2011

Medina County Chief Adult Probation Officer Veronica Perry reported that six probationers had violation hearings in front of Judge Kimbler on Friday, April 15, 2011. Their names and the disposition of the hearings are set forth below:

Case No. Name Officer Date Disposition

10CR0192 O'Neill, Desiree B. Burcham 4/15/2011 PV Hearing - Admit - Complete CBCF; after released continue on ISP.

09CR0223 Homchik, Richard H. Smith 4/15/2011 PV Hearing - Admits - Given an OR Bond. Def. ordered to sign a release for medical records w/APD. Sentencing set for 4/28/11 at 8:30am

10CR0156 Griffin, Shane K. Turchek 4/15/2011 PV Hearing - PV to be dismissed and costs waived as long as def. adheres to PO's recommendations administratively

10CR0286 Walter, Ryan J. Adams 4/15/2011 PV Hearing - Admits - Sentenced to 6 months prison w/ 79 days credit, to run concurrent w/Huron Co. case. All costs waived.

07CR0623 Murrin, Terry K. Massullo 4/15/2011 PV Hearing - Def. to expire as scheduled; all costs waived.

09CR0543 Bates, Christopher M. Liebler 4/15/2011 PV Hearing - Taken off schedule for today; rescheduled for 5/20/11

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