Medina County Courthouse

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Are Lawyers and Judges Bad Drivers?

As a lawyer who is a judge, and who is married to a lawyer, I found this article about a report from a independent insurance agency in Solon, Ohio, to be pretty interesting. The article points out that this agency, which maintains a website for potential customers to use when applying for insurance, has been keep track of the accident history that people self-report when applying for insurance.

According to this agency's report, 44% of legal professionals seeking insurance report having a previous accident. This was the highest percentage of all occupations surveyed. The survey was based on single, primary drivers owning a single vehicle and was complied over a seven month period.

One of the officers of, the agency doing the survey, links the cause to the desire of legal professionals to "multi-task" while driving. Of course, another explanation could be that legal professionals are more conscientious about giving an accurate history of prior accidents.

No matter what the reason, the article is fascinating. Check it out.

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